Friday, August 17, 2012

Phriday Phun Quizz, Sweeeet Edition

"Crank Up Hunger" would be more precise.
Woke up at 5am, road the bike deep into Rockland Country, then came back, tallying about 105 miles. I was trying to eat conservatively but with an eye to keep moving, but I still came to the edge of  "bonk" while returning via the West Side bike path.
In endurance sports such as cycling and running, hitting the wall or the bonk describes a condition caused by the depletion of glycogen stores in the liver and muscles, which manifests itself by sudden fatigue and loss of energy. Milder instances can be remedied by brief rest and the ingestion of food or drinks containing carbohydrates. 
I tried to stay away from too much sugar (which is good for quick energy) and use some longer lasting fats and starches, but when I was bonking, the sugary Gatorade brought me back in 10 minutes or so. Lovely sugar.

My calorie-counting cyclometer credited me more than a full day's calorie budget, and took full advantage with a day of pizza, Chinese, hot dogs and crap. Gotta live!

For those new to FBIWC, the Phriday Phun Quizz is a direct rip off loving tribute to my favorite bike blog, Bikesnob NYC. Enjoy you quiz: get it right and see a nice young scientist tell you why we love sugar, but be careful, if you click and get it wrong, you'll see a kid who has bigger worries than just too much sugar.

Fat kids are to cake as:
  1. Fitty Cent is to video models.
  2. Republicans are to repealing the social safety net.
  3. Monkeys are to hurling poop.
  4. mutant zombie cakes are to fat kids.

That girl is:
  1. Poison
  2. Sugar
  3. High Fructose Corn Syrup
  4. All of the above

One hit is all it takes to:
  1. addicted to donuts.
  2. cocaine-addled.
  3. the life of the donut party.
  4. all of the above.

BREAKFAST: 4:45am, whole wheat pancakes, banana, iced tea, 430 cal

BIKE SNACK: 7:15am, clif bar, 240 cal

BIKE SNACK: 8:15am, whole wheat bagel with creamcheese, gatorade, 530 cal

BIKE SNACK: 11:15am, fritos, gatorade, chocolate chip cookies, 615 cal

BIKE SNACK: 1:30pm, slice of pizza, 20oz diet coke, +/- 300 cal

BIKE SNACK: 4:45pm hot dog, gatorade, +/- 380 cal

PM SNACK: 6pm, 8oz chocolate milk, 250 cal

DINNER: 8pm, chicken & broc, por fried rice, egg roll, wonton soup, 14oz diet sprite, +/- 1,500

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