Well, this is a reckoning. This past month has been firing on all cylinders - work and money, women and relationships, children and family, friends and loved ones, all have been going really well. But upon reflection, a new imbalance has emerged. I recently got a cat to keep me company at home, as I've been working from home pretty constantly since June. (Sure, it was a gift and a companion to my kids but get real, it's for me.) The numbers at the end of the month indicate that December was successful, and I really have been enjoying my work....but there is a cost. Looking back over my food diaries, I've been indulging in more sweets, more restaurant foods and less good stuff as a way of stress management. I guess "stress" is usually looked at as a bad thing, but the kind of work stress I've been undergoing this past month has been the best kind -- the kind that makes you challenge yourself and results in surprises of what you can actually do.
But bottom line -- it was more calories in, less calories out. I expected the weather to get colder, and work made it easy to schedule less bike rides, allowing me not to sacrifice any time with my kids. Thanks to the WARMEST DECEMBER EVER, I could have extended my ride season but ended up being pretty physically complacent. Clothes don't lie -- I wore a suit last night and while it wasn't ridiculous, it clearly said "OH HELL TO THE NO" as I got it on.
I've done this before. I've been here. But it's different now: I'm not lost in a fuzzy cloud and life is good. Starting right now (and not next week or next month), I'm increasing my vegetable intake, both raw and cooked. I'm bringing back weight lifting once or twice a week. I'm decreasing my sweets and restaurants during the week. I won't be recording or posting during the next week -- I'll take this as an opportunity to shift gears without over-thinking it, just see how it makes me feel, and return to obsessively writing down my sleep, eats and random reactions to food-related media in the new year.
To my 2.5 readers, happy new year and thanks!
Too distracted.
SLEPT: 10:30pm - 5:30am, 7 hrs
AM SNACK: 5:45am, iced green tea
BREAKFAST 1 : 9:30am, apple/beet/celery/carrot/cayenne/cucumber/ginger juice, 160 cal
BREAKFAST 2 : 11:30am, steel cut oatmeal, 450 cal
LUNCH: 2:30pm, beef patty, momma salad, chicken soup, pickles 640 cal
DINNER: 6:30pm, grouper, asparagus, poppa salad with dressing, 750 cal
EVENIGN SNACK: 7pm, popcorn, pocky, +/- 600 cal
BREAKFAST 1 : 9:30am, apple/beet/celery/carrot/
BREAKFAST 2 : 11:30am, steel cut oatmeal, 450 cal
LUNCH: 2:30pm, beef patty, momma salad, chicken soup, pickles 640 cal
DINNER: 6:30pm, grouper, asparagus, poppa salad with dressing, 750 cal
EVENIGN SNACK: 7pm, popcorn, pocky, +/- 600 cal
AM SNACK: 4am, iced green tea
BREAKFAST: 9:15am, apple/beet/celery/carrot/cayenne/cucumber/ginger juice, 160 cal
BREAKFAST 2: 10:30am, Greek yogurt with honey, almonds, vanilla, 450 cal
LUNCH: 2pm, steamed string beans, lentil curry, chicken meatballs, pickles, 680 cal
PM SNACK: 4pm, momma salad, 100 cal
DINNER: 5:30pm, shwarma platter, ice cream, +/- 1000cal
EVENING SNACK: 7pm, pocky, rice crisps & milk, one brownie, +/-600 cal
AM SNACK: 4am, iced green tea
BREAKFAST 1: 9am, apple/beet/celery/carrot/cayenne/cucumber/ginger juice, 160 cal
BREAKFAST 2: 11am, fruit smoothie, 450 cal
LUNCH: 2:15pm, bacon, poppa salad with dressing, 440 cal
PM SNACK: 3:30pm, momma salad, cheezits, 310 cal
PM SNACK: 5:15pm, cashews, 250 cal
PM SNACK: 6:15pm, streetza, +/- 300 cal
DINNER: 7:45pm, Chipotle Burrito, ice cream, +/- 1200 cal
SLEPT: 9:30pm-3:45am, 6.25hrs
AM SNACK: 4am, iced green tea
BREAKFAST: 9:15am, apple/beet/celery/carrot/
BREAKFAST 2: 10:30am, Greek yogurt with honey, almonds, vanilla, 450 cal
LUNCH: 2pm, steamed string beans, lentil curry, chicken meatballs, pickles, 680 cal
PM SNACK: 4pm, momma salad, 100 cal
DINNER: 5:30pm, shwarma platter, ice cream, +/- 1000cal
EVENING SNACK: 7pm, pocky, rice crisps & milk, one brownie, +/-600 cal
SLEPT: 9pm-2:30am, 5.5 hrs
AM SNACK: 4am, iced green tea
BREAKFAST 1: 9am, apple/beet/celery/carrot/
BREAKFAST 2: 11am, fruit smoothie, 450 cal
PM SNACK: 3:30pm, momma salad, cheezits, 310 cal
PM SNACK: 5:15pm, cashews, 250 cal
PM SNACK: 6:15pm, streetza, +/- 300 cal
DINNER: 7:45pm, Chipotle Burrito, ice cream, +/- 1200 cal
SLEPT: 9:30pm-5:30am, 8hrs
AM SNACK: 5:45am, iced green tea
AM SNACK: 9:30am, pickle, a small piece of brie, 50 cal
BREAKFAST 1: 10:30am, apple/beet/celery/carrot/cayenne/cucumber/ginger juice, 160 cal
BREAKFAST 2: 11:45am, 3 meatballs, +/-450 cal
Just baked off a bunch, had to make sure they were done...
LUNCH: 2:45pm, poppa salad with dressing and veggie straws, 330 cal
DINNER: 5pm, chinese brick, ice cream, +/- 1500 cal
EVENING SNACKS: 9pm, pocky, pringles, 400 cal
AM SNACK: 9:30am, pickle, a small piece of brie, 50 cal
BREAKFAST 1: 10:30am, apple/beet/celery/carrot/
BREAKFAST 2: 11:45am, 3 meatballs, +/-450 cal
Just baked off a bunch, had to make sure they were done...
LUNCH: 2:45pm, poppa salad with dressing and veggie straws, 330 cal
DINNER: 5pm, chinese brick, ice cream, +/- 1500 cal
EVENING SNACKS: 9pm, pocky, pringles, 400 cal
SLEPT: 10:30pm-5am, 6.5 hrs
AM SNACK: 5:15am, iced green tea