Sunday, August 10, 2014

Congress to pass a National Soda Tax….bwaaaah ha ha ha!

When good-government legislation in Congress withers on the vine, this kitty cries.
Isn't it cute when a politician does something so nice but so futile that it seems silly and sad? A Connecticut Congresswoman has proposed legislation that would put a significant tax on sugary beverages across all 50 states uniformly. A national soda tax could:
work to reduce consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages, and therefore obesity, and therefore diabetes, and therefore health care costs, and to raise money for health education about the dangers of over consumption of sugar.
Well, that's what government should do, but Congress ain't exactly functional right now. And remember, since corporations are people, they are busy expressing their free speech all over the media whenever legislation threatens their "freedom".
Not only are corporations people who express free speech, they also have a taste for haughty innuendo!
If you were to believe the hype of the soda lobby, a soda tax of any form would destroy our freedom, plunge us into a totalitarian nanny state and make children cry. Oddly enough, Mexico's soda tax has shown to have positive results. Guess they hate freedom there, or maybe the Drug Cartels realized that Big Sugar was a major competitor in selling addictive white powders, and paid off the right politicians.

That's it, on summer vacation for most of the week, will return next week with fresh, deep foodly food thoughts...


Got a good ride in on Thursday before taking off with the Edlebug to the Catskills. Not a good eating week or weekend but f-it, I'm on vacation and I'm not going to become a miserable git who never enjoys life. It's all about the balance. Suffice to say, Sunday evening I was craving salad, green juice and anything but gobs of simple carbs.

SLEPT: 11pm-4am, 5 hrs
Even though I hit up some snacks in the evening, I don't think I was out of control and I think it's explainable. Did a 50 mile ride yesterday with a new friend, and our eating was relatively minimalistic, so even though I went out to dinner with friends and indulged in desert, a calorie deficit must be paid for sooner or later. The evening snack was relatively healthy, probably spurred by the white flour of the dinner, which itself was derailed by some bad asparagus. Funny, maybe even a year ago I'd be worried, "Oh shit, am I slipping back into old habits? Am I gonna balloon back up?" but now it's just a blip, as long as I know enough to acknowledge it for what it is, I can just start fresh the next day. My kung fu is strong.

AM SNACK: 4:15am, iced green tea, 0 cal

BREAKFAST: 7am, apple/beet/celery/carrot/cayenne/cucumber/ginger juice, 160 cal

BREAKFAST 2: 9am, steel cut oatmeal, 450 cal

LUNCH: 12:45pm, falafel, tomato soup, health salad, pickles, 675 cal 

PM SNACK: 3:30 pm, momma salad, Grazebox nut mix , 320 cal

DINNER: 6:30pm, French bread pizzas, poppa salad with ranch dressing, 1050 cal
Asparagus was held in a cup of water since I got it Saturday, somehow it still went bad. Saving fish for tomorrow, as it was still partially frozen.

EVENING SNACK: 7:30pm, 2 kind bars, peanut butter with chocolate syrup, +/- 800 cal

SLEPT: 9pm-2am, 2:30-3pm, 5.5 hrs

AM SNACK: 2:15am, iced green tea, 0 cal

BREAKFAST: 9:15am, apple/beet/celery/carrot/cayenne/cucumber/ginger juice, 160 cal

BREAKFAST 2: 10am, fage yogurt with honey, vanilla and almonds, 450 cal

LUNCH: 12:45pm, chicken meatballs, mushroom curry, steamed string beans, pickles, 620 cal 

PM SNACK: 3:30 pm, momma salad, Grazebox seed , 290 cal

DINNER: 6:30pm, tilapia, roasted Brussels, poppa salad with ranch dressing,720 cal
Brussels were too big and mature, their stems were tough and chewy. Ate around them, but threw out the rest of the batch.

EVENING SNACK: 7:30pm, popcorn, +/- 300 cal

EVENING SNACK: 8:30pm, kind bar, 210 cal

SLEPT: 9pm-4am, 7 hrs
Good busy day at work. Nice dinner out with a new friend.

AM SNACK: 4:15am, iced green tea, 0 cal

BREAKFAST: 7:45am, apple/beet/celery/carrot/cayenne/cucumber/ginger juice, 160 cal

BREAKFAST 2: 10am, steel cut oatmeal, 450 cal

LUNCH: 12:45pm, adobo chicken, quinoa, health salad, pickles, 675 cal 

PM SNACK: 3:30 pm, momma salad, Grazebox dried legumes , 240 cal

PM SNACK: 5pm, poppa salad with ranch, 200 cal

DINNER: 8pm, half pound of BBQ brisket & pork, baked beans, a little bread pudding, 1 beer, +/- 1000 cal

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